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Web3's Dark Reality: Unveiling the Power Consolidation

The promise of Web3 was that it would usher in a new era of decentralization and empower individuals on the internet. However, recent developments have brought to light a darker reality: the consolidation of power within the Web3 ecosystem.

Rather than fostering a more equitable and democratic online landscape, a few influential entities are amassing control and influence, including tech giants from the Web2 world and venture capital firms.

Moreover, wealth inequality within the Web3 space mirrors real-world disparities, with a small number of accounts hoarding the majority of market value.

This article aims to shed light on the troubling trend of power consolidation in Web3 and its potential consequences for the future of the internet.

Key Takeaways

  • Web3, despite its decentralized nature, is actually leading to a consolidation of power, with large players like Google, Apple, and Facebook dominating the space.
  • Wealth inequality in Web3 is significant, with the top 9% of accounts holding 80% of the market value of NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Venture capital firms like Pantera and a16z are establishing a monopoly within the Web3 space, with majority stakes in high-profile companies and significant voting power.
  • Many decentralized applications (dapps) rely on centralized infrastructure and services, indicating that the need for centralized products and services in Web3 will persist in the foreseeable future.

Consolidation of Power in Web3

The consolidation of power within the Web3 ecosystem challenges the decentralized principles it was originally designed to uphold. Despite its promise to transfer power back to the internet community, Web3 is experiencing a paradoxical trend of power concentration. This is evident through the impact of monopolistic practices and the influence of wealthy individuals in Web3.

In terms of monopolistic practices, large players like Google, Apple, and Facebook, who dominate Web2, continue to retain significant profits. In the Web3 space, venture capital firms such as Pantera and a16z are establishing a monopoly through their majority stakes in high-profile Web3 companies. These firms, with dual-class shares having 20x the voting power, heavily influence major decisions, leading to increased centralization.

Furthermore, the influence of wealthy individuals in Web3 exacerbates this consolidation of power. The top 9% of accounts hold 80% of the $41B market value of NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Wealth inequality in Web3 mirrors that of the United States, and if Bitcoin were considered a country, it would have the highest wealth inequality globally. Additionally, tech giants like MicroStrategy and Tesla accumulating billions of dollars worth of crypto further contribute to the concentration of power.

Wealth Inequality in Web3

Wealth inequality within the Web3 ecosystem has become a significant concern, highlighting disparities in ownership and financial distribution.

The token distribution in Web3 platforms reveals a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. For example, studies have shown that the top 9% of accounts hold 80% of the $41 billion market value of NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.

This level of wealth inequality in Web3 is comparable to that seen in the United States. Furthermore, if Bitcoin were considered a country, it would have the highest wealth inequality globally.

The accumulation of billions of dollars worth of crypto by tech giants like MicroStrategy and Tesla further exacerbates economic disparities.

Additionally, new crypto projects often have substantial insider ownership, making them less decentralized and widening the wealth gap within the Web3 ecosystem.

Centralization in Web3 Startups

As the discussion moves from the wealth inequality within Web3 to the centralization in Web3 startups, it becomes evident that the concentration of power is not limited to the distribution of wealth, but also extends to the control and influence exerted by venture capital firms within the Web3 space.

VCs like Pantera and a16z are establishing a monopoly within the Web3 space, holding a majority stake in high-profile Web3 companies. Moreover, VCs with dual-class shares have 20x the voting power of regular shares, enabling them to influence major decisions.

This influence of VCs is leading to increased centralization in Web3 startups, undermining the original vision of a decentralized internet. The consolidation of power in Web3 startups by venture capital firms raises concerns about the long-term sustainability and openness of the Web3 ecosystem.

Centralized Infrastructure in Web3

Centralized infrastructure plays a crucial role in supporting the functionality and scalability of decentralized applications (dapps) within the Web3 ecosystem. Despite the vision of a fully decentralized internet, many dapps still rely on centralized infrastructure and services. This presents both advantages and challenges for the Web3 community.

  1. Scalability challenges: Decentralized networks face scalability issues due to the large volume of transactions and limited processing power. Centralized infrastructure providers, such as Infura and Quicknode, offer node-as-a-service solutions that can handle high transaction volumes and improve overall performance.
  2. Centralized control over dapp development: Companies like Alchemy and Moralis provide platforms that enable developers to build and scale dapps faster. While these services offer convenience and efficiency, they also introduce a level of centralized control over dapp development, which contradicts the principles of decentralization.
  3. Continued need for centralized products/services: Running and maintaining individual servers can be time-consuming and capital intensive for developers. As a result, the demand for centralized products and services in Web3 is expected to persist in the foreseeable future.

Potential Use Cases of Web3

One of the most promising aspects of Web3 technology is its potential to revolutionize various industries and empower individuals through innovative use cases. Two notable examples are decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

DAOs have the potential to revolutionize community and corporate governance by enabling decentralized decision-making and ownership. They allow participants to have a say in important matters and distribute power more equitably. This decentralized governance model has the potential to create more inclusive and transparent systems.

NFTs, on the other hand, offer diverse possibilities such as revenue sharing and GameFi. With revenue sharing, creators can earn a percentage of the revenue generated from the subsequent sale or use of their digital assets. This opens up new opportunities for artists, musicians, and content creators to monetize their work directly.

Incorporating decentralized governance in DAOs and revenue sharing in NFTs can empower individuals and create more equitable systems in the Web3 ecosystem. However, it is important to critically evaluate and address the potential challenges and risks associated with these use cases to ensure their long-term sustainability and success.

Potential Use Cases of Web3
Decentralized Governance in DAOs Revenue Sharing in NFTs

Long-Term Sustainable Use Cases of Web3

Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are just two examples of the long-term sustainable use cases that hold the potential to transform industries and empower individuals within the Web3 ecosystem. These innovative technologies offer exciting possibilities for decentralized governance and the future of digital art.

Here are three key aspects to consider:

  1. Decentralized Governance: DAOs enable communities to make collective decisions and manage resources without relying on centralized authorities. This opens up opportunities for more transparent and inclusive decision-making processes, empowering individuals to have a direct say in the projects they support.
  2. Future of Digital Art: NFTs have revolutionized the art world by providing a unique and verifiable way to tokenize and trade digital artworks. This has created new avenues for artists to monetize their creations, establish ownership rights, and engage with a global audience.
  3. Empowering Individuals: Web3 technologies give individuals greater control over their digital assets and data, reducing reliance on intermediaries. This shift towards self-sovereignty has the potential to democratize access to financial services, intellectual property, and other digital resources.

These use cases demonstrate the transformative power of Web3 and its potential to reshape industries while empowering individuals.

The Importance of Blockchain Education

As we consider the potential of Web3 and its transformative use cases, it becomes increasingly apparent that a solid foundation of blockchain education is essential for individuals and industries to fully grasp the opportunities and implications of this emerging technology. Blockchain education plays a crucial role in closing the knowledge gap in Web3 and enabling mainstream adoption. By providing individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge, blockchain education empowers them to actively participate in the decentralized ecosystem, make informed decisions, and contribute to the growth and development of Web3. The table below highlights the importance of blockchain education in different areas:

Benefits of Blockchain Education
1. Enhanced understanding of blockchain technology
2. Ability to navigate decentralized platforms
3. Increased awareness of security and privacy considerations
4. Access to new career opportunities
5. Empowerment to shape the future of Web3

Frequently Asked Questions

How Are Large Players Like Google, Apple, and Facebook Dominating Web2 and Retaining Significant Profits?

Large players like Google, Apple, and Facebook dominate Web2 through their data dominance and market control. These companies have amassed significant profits by leveraging their vast user base and proprietary technologies to maintain a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

What Is the Wealth Distribution Among NFT Holders on the Ethereum Blockchain?

Wealth concentration in the NFT market on the Ethereum blockchain is significant, with the top 9% of accounts holding 80% of the $41B market value. This concentration mirrors the wealth inequality seen in traditional financial systems.

How Does Wealth Inequality in Web3 Compare to Wealth Inequality in the United States?

Wealth inequality in Web3 is comparable to that in the United States. The top 9% of accounts hold 80% of the market value of NFTs on Ethereum. Bitcoin, if considered a country, would have the highest wealth inequality globally.

Which Tech Giants Are Accumulating Billions of Dollars Worth of Crypto?

Tech giants like MicroStrategy and Tesla are among the prominent players accumulating billions of dollars worth of crypto. This accumulation contributes to the consolidation of power in Web3 and exacerbates wealth inequality within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

How Do VCs Like Pantera and A16z Establish a Monopoly Within the Web3 Space?

VCs like Pantera and a16z establish a monopoly within the Web3 space by acquiring majority stakes in high-profile Web3 companies. Their influence is further amplified by dual-class shares, giving them 20x the voting power of regular shares, impacting major decisions in the Web3 ecosystem.


In conclusion, the consolidation of power within the Web3 ecosystem has raised concerns about the true nature of decentralization and democratization on the internet.

The dominance of influential entities, wealth inequality, and the control exerted by venture capital firms and infrastructure providers highlight the challenges faced by the Web3 landscape.

While Web3 holds potential for innovative use cases, addressing these issues is crucial to ensure a more equitable and sustainable future for the internet.